Online IoPT Cafe meeting July 18th 2024

Presentation by Jenny Hansen about “Breastfeeding as an expression of Love”

Jenny Hansen is an IoPT practitioner and -trainer. During her own training and a search for a ‘right’ method of parenting, she discovered that healthy parent-child relationships cannot be created through any parenting concept, but are a natural consequence  of knowing who we truly are and the establishment of a healthy, loving connection with ourselves.

 She will give a presentation on the topic of ‘Breastfeeding as an expression of Love’.

In this presentation Jenny shared her thoughts and findings as an IoPT practitioner surrounding the topic of breastfeeding in relation to the trauma trias as defined by IoPT theory. The presentation was an opportunity to discuss how the trauma biography can play out in mother-child bonding, and by shaping our identity, in virtually all subsequent relationships in life.

What’s love got to do with it? By placing the focus on this early relationship in self-encounters, we can learn a great deal about who we are and our innate capacity to love and be loved. And with a growing readiness for self-compassion we may possibly begin to discover what it is we have been looking for all along…