Warm welcome in the online IoPT Café. This initiative is started to offer a place where we can meet each other and where we can invite people who are interested in IoPT, who are curious about healing from trauma and who feel an inner wish to join the meeting. Every meeting has an IoPT-related topic.
It is a place where you can engage as much or as little as feels right for you and where you have an opportunity to connect and get inspired.
Every meeting has it’s own topic. In the first meeting on Tuesday Ocotber 24th, 2023, the online IoPT Café is opened by Franz Ruppert, the founder or IoPT.
In previous and upcoming meetings, presentations will be or have been offered by various people, like:
- Psychotrauma by Franz Ruppert
- The role of Trauma Awareness into the future of humanity by Vivian Broughton
- Mindfullness and IoPT, by Amy Spatz
- IoPT midwife, by May Sunita
- Religious Trauma and IoPT, by Katrina Mikiah
- Domestic Violence, Perpetrator – Victim – dynamic and IoPT, by Irene Standnes
- Healthy Parent, Healthy Child, by Lucy Jameson
- Sexual Trauma, by Margriet Wentink
Check for more upcoming topics the ‘Meeting dates’-tab, or at the homepage of this website.
How to sign up for the event
You can sign up for the event by sending an email to Nanneke at info@ioptcafe.com
Feel free to ask any questions or share if you have any suggestions for a futher presentation.