Online IoPT Café meeting April 30th 2024

Presentation by Irene Stendnes

Irene Standnes is an advocate for a Trauma-informed Society. Irene is an IoPT teacher at the Institute for Traumawork in Norway, she has also a private practice as Supervisor and Traumatherapist IoPT, in addition to a former member of the Professional-Ethical Board of the Association for Traumatherapists IoPT.

She is also a lawyer with former positions as Chief Municipal Executive, Official and Political Adviser. She offered a presentation at the IoPT Conference in Olso in 2023 with the topic: Domestic Violence – why and how do trauma-victims turn into trauma-perpetrators?

online IoPT Café meeting March 26th 2024

Presentation by Katrina Mikiah

Katrina Mikiah is an IoPT Practitioner based in Missoula, Montana. She studied last year at the Institute for Trauma Work in Norway and embarked on an IoPT focused study of the traumatizing effects of religion. She started her own study exploring this topic and wrote an article. Katrina has been “specifically interested in exploring what happens when children are born into religious systems with a negative view of human nature, strict dogma, and a black and white understanding of right and wrong with harsh and unceasing consequences for “wrong” behavior. It is logical that those who are part of religious communities, unless they are there under force, likely feel that religion has a positive influence on their lives. In her article she explores how religion can also have a negative impact on the formation of a healthy identity and, in that sense, be traumatizing.”

online IoPT Café meeting February 26th 2024

Presentation by Margriet Wentink

Margriet Wentink started in 1996 ‘Interakt’ in Tiel and she introduced Franz Ruppert around 2005 into the Netherlands. Interakt is a guidance and training centre devoted to personal development, recovering from trauma, and education. In the 25 years of experience, Interakt has specialised in a trauma treatment method based on Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT), which has been developed by Dr. Franz Ruppert over the past 30 years. Margriet translated Franz’s books into the Dutch language and she wrote a chapter in Franz’ book “Fruhes Trauma”. Margriet gave a presentation about the topic of Sexual Trauma with a focus on Healthy Sexuality and Intimicy.

online IoPT Café meeting January 30th 2024

Presentation by May Sunita

IoPT Midwife May Sunita has experienced that women are particularly vulnerable when facing their own pregnancy and childbirth. She works preventively to strengthen the mother-child bond in pregnant women, those giving birth, and those who have given birth. May Sunita: “I am passionately dedicated to empowering and supporting mothers on a deeper level. My focus is on strengthening the mother-child attachment, which is crucial from conception and during the time in the mother’s womb. That’s where it all begins. We have all been in a mother’s womb.”

online IoPT Café meeting December 13th 2023

Presentation by Ewelyn Hysing-Olsen

“Early trauma and how it can affects our couple relationship with our trauma response and the way out into a healthy couple relationship. It’s al there from the start.”

On Wednesday December 13th 2023, Ewelyn gave an inspiring presentation about the topic of Couple Relationship. In between the two parts of the presentation we had the opportunity to go into smaller break out rooms and share our experiences about this topic. Ewelyn gave, in her presentation, insight in how our early childhood experiences influences our current Couple Relationship and she showed ’the way out of this’ influence.

online IoPT Café meeting November 21st 2023

Presentation by Vivian Broughton

On November the 21st, Vivian gave an inspiring presentation about Trauma and IoPT. Vivian shared some interesting thoughts and notes on IoPT, starting with ‘first principles’, and sharing about the topic of ‘hate’, ‘perpetrator-victim dynamics’ and ‘competition and cooperation’ and ended with some interesting thoughts about how to look at ’the intention’.

The presentation was called: “One Person at a Time”

This presentation looked at the role of trauma awareness into the future of humanity.

First online IoPT Café meeting October 24th 2023

Warm welcome in the online IoPT Café. This initiative is started to offer a place where we can meet people who are interested in IoPT, who are curious about IoPT and who feel an inner wish to join the meeting. Every meeting will have an IoPT-related topic. The first meeting was scheduled on Tuesday October 24th and started at 3 pm CET and ended at 5 pm CET.

It is my deepest wish to offer a place where you can engage as much or as little as feels right for you. And it is my wish that the IoPT Café meetings connects and inspire people. If you feel you want to join, please feel free to send an email to Nanneke at

The first meeting is ‘opened’ by Franz Ruppert, the founder of IoPT.

To sign up for the event, please send an email to Nanneke at Once you have signed up you will be updated about the future online IoPT Cafe meetings. You will find more meeting dates here.