online IoPT Café meeting March 26th 2024

Presentation by Katrina Mikiah

Katrina Mikiah is an IoPT Practitioner based in Missoula, Montana. She studied last year at the Institute for Trauma Work in Norway and embarked on an IoPT focused study of the traumatizing effects of religion. She started her own study exploring this topic and wrote an article. Katrina has been “specifically interested in exploring what happens when children are born into religious systems with a negative view of human nature, strict dogma, and a black and white understanding of right and wrong with harsh and unceasing consequences for “wrong” behavior. It is logical that those who are part of religious communities, unless they are there under force, likely feel that religion has a positive influence on their lives. In her article she explores how religion can also have a negative impact on the formation of a healthy identity and, in that sense, be traumatizing.”

online IoPT Café meeting February 26th 2024

Presentation by Margriet Wentink

Margriet Wentink started in 1996 ‘Interakt’ in Tiel and she introduced Franz Ruppert around 2005 into the Netherlands. Interakt is a guidance and training centre devoted to personal development, recovering from trauma, and education. In the 25 years of experience, Interakt has specialised in a trauma treatment method based on Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT), which has been developed by Dr. Franz Ruppert over the past 30 years. Margriet translated Franz’s books into the Dutch language and she wrote a chapter in Franz’ book “Fruhes Trauma”. Margriet gave a presentation about the topic of Sexual Trauma with a focus on Healthy Sexuality and Intimicy.