In this online IoPT Café meeting Margriet Wentink gave a presentation on the topic of ‘Men and Mothers’. Margriet shared some of her understanding and findings about this topic with us. The presentation will be shining a light on possible influences a men can have felt in his relationship with his mother, and perhaps even in his adult life feels. Margriet will shine a light on this topic of mother-son-relationship in her emphatic way.

Margriet Wentink founded in 1996 her own training centre in Tiel, the Netherlands, ‘Interakt’. Margriet is devoted to personal development, recovering from trauma, and education. In 2005, Margriet introduced Franz Ruppert and his work in the Netherlands. In the 30 years of experience, Interakt has specialised in a trauma treatment method based on Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT). Margriet translated Franz his books into the Dutch language, and she wrote a chapter in Franz his book “Fruhes Trauma”. Margriet is offering trauma informed education in her training centre and ‘Men and Mothers’ is one of the topics.
Presentation by Margriet Wentink.